Monday, September 14, 2009

Uninvited Guests

We have uninvited guests in our attic and garage: MICE!!! Cute in a story, not when they are leaving poop on your stuff and it is just plain creepy!!!! Thank the Lord they've never ventured into the casa!

We've set traps and have moved onto poison. You can see holes in the insulation where they are burrowing!! I have stuff up in the attic that I need to get to, but I won't go up there b/c I don't want to accidentally run into one.

We think we have curbed the problem, but they have now decided they like the view from the pool and are burrowing in the dirt between the pool and flower bed!!! YIKES! Silly little creatures. So, now there is poison hidden out there (have child, don't want her or the dog getting ahold of it!). Not my idea of fun!!!