Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Here's your sign....

So we all watch Michael Phelps this summer rock-n-roll during the Olympics. He's an amazing athlete, but he sure is not all there when it comes to extra-curricular activities and even more so, who he hangs out with. I'm not going to speak to the activity that he got caught with b/c that's a moral debate I don't want to have. Basically I feel that you can do whatever you want to do behind your own closed doors, as long as you aren't harming someone (of course, this is all within reason and legality)......anyway, my question/comment is that if you are going to choose this as your extra-curricular activity, you need to pick better friends b/c I'd think this is something you'd do with folks you know and who wouldn't double cross you and post this to the Internet....so he wins the "Here's your sign" award for stupidity...on multiple levels!!!