Sunday, February 1, 2009

Parenting Magazine

Yes, I know I said I wasn't going to gripe, and I'm not, but you really MUST read the article in Parenting Magazine this month (Feb.) titled, "Mad at Dad." I share this tidbit with you b/c it will make you breathe a little easier knowing that your husband isn't the only one that does these not so smart things (see, I tried to make that sound nicer, I could have said dumb, but didn't!) I'm not sure the article is on-line, but many moms get this magazine, so someone is bound to have it for you to read.


Huse Yo Mama said...

Haven't gotten mine yet, but will open it immediately to that page, when I do.

By the way, you'd be proud of me (or JD, really). He registered my vehicle this weekend and got me those special plates. I told him to pick something that I'd like and surprise me. He got me the "Education Starts at Home" one! How cool is that!?

There wasn't a "Don't be stupid, educate your child before kindergarten" one, though.

Swimming Texas Babies said...

Well maybe you should write to the DMV and make that suggestion...get on that in between the painting of your dressers.