Wednesday, September 3, 2008

WWW - Testing in our Schools

I've been in education for over ten years, does that age me??? Anyway, testing has always been a part of being a teacher. I remember, back in the day, when I was in school and we had the TAAS test. It was important, but I didn't feel like it was the focus.

For the past four years, I was in a teaching position that didn't focus on the TAKS test and I also had a majority of seniors, so it wasn't a focal point b/c the majority of them had already passed the test the year before.

Well, now I am in a new district, new school, new position and I have NEVER felt such PRESSURE regarding the TAKS test. In all our meetings prior to the school year and all subsequent meetings, it is ALWAYS brought up in one way or the other.

So, who is at fault.....the teachers? Nope, because the school administrators are the ones who pressure the teachers. The majority of teachers I know would rather scrap the test and move on with TEACHING. Administrators? Nope, because the district administrators are putting pressure on school administrators about test results. District administrators? Nope, because TEA puts pressure on them. TEA? Nope, because state legislators make these laws that require all of this testing. State legislators; actually, yes, a large part of the blame is on their shoulders, but not all. The public? YES! The public is talking out of both sides of their mouths. They want schools to be tougher, more rigorous. So, how do you ensure this is happening, what is the accountability? Testing is the best way to do this. Why? Because of the amount of children you are talking about. But, when it actually comes to holding that bar high, the public gets upset when there are high failure rates; what are the TEACHERS doing wrong. No one is willing to look at themselves and ask if they are supporting their children to the level they should be.

Business owners are complaining that graduates don't know anything when they come to work for them; must be the schools' fault. What have these students been doing for the past 12 years of their lives???

Parents want their children to be able to play and have fun, not sit and do homework all night. But there has to be some homework to help support what your child is learning all day in school.

Back to legislators, they listen to the public and develop a level accountability, pass the job onto TEA and we have TAKS testing. However, these legistlators haven't been in a public school since the day they graduated, unless they recently went to see their grandchild in a school play. They have NO idea what schools are like and they surely don't accurately remember their school days.

ALL people, regardless of whether or not you have children, need to take the time to voice their thoughts about testing to their state legislators. Our education system needs to be over-hauled and the bar needs to be raised.


Gwen said...

Girl! That sound like a lot of the reason good teachers leave education! :) I was so sick of testing testing testing- in Kinder no less!- I just wanted to TEACH! :)

Huse Yo Mama said...

this gives me hives