Saturday, October 18, 2008

Are you rude?

Oprah did a show this week on the rudeness of Americans. 80%of Americans think that other Americans are rude, but 95% of Americans don't think they are rude!!!

Here are the questions asked (all yes/no questions): my answers next to it
1. Are you cronically late? no, just a few minutes to work....does that count? Also, if it is your husband making you late, does that count?
2. Have you ever typed and email while you talked on the phone? yep, sure have, it's called multi-tasking
3. Have you ever interrupted a face-to-face conversation to take a non-urgent cell phone call? no
4. Have you gone through a supermarket 10-item express lane with more than 10 items? yes, only if there isn't anyone else waiting and/or the clerk gave me the ok
5. While among friends or co-workers, have you yawned without covering your mouth? Gosh I hope not!
6. Have you ever texted or talked on a cell phone in a movie theater? nope don't ever go to the movies...would I, just texting...talking, never
7. Have you let your dog relieve himself on your neighbor's lawn? don't like the word "let", but has he? yes, and I went over and cleaned it up.
8. Have you ever cut in front of someone in line? no, didn't we learn about this in elementary school?
9. Have you ever stolen someone's parking spot? never
10. Have you ever let your child kick the back of the seat in front of him and not apologized to his victim? no, she hasn't had the opportunity to do this, but if and when she does, I will apologize
11. Have you ever not RSVP'd to an event by the date requested? NEVER, this is my number one pet peeve when planning an event/function
12. Have you ever gossiped? duh??? does this one even count? if you DARE say, "No." you are SO lying!
13. Have you ever taken someone else's food or drink from the office refrigerator? oh, H%&* no, that is beyond rude! And gross, you don't know how clean their kitchen is!

There was also a book discussed, Choosing Civility. He wasn't a great speaker, but the book sounds interesting and it discusses how rudeness affects our health...sort of like kharma and you don't want to be around bad kharma.

And remember, if someone is rude to you, kill 'em with kindness, don't just kill 'em! :-)