Saturday, April 4, 2009


My child doesn't like to sleep in her bed anymore. Nope, she'd rather sleep in her "house." It is a tent that her dad bought her for Christmas. I finally got around to making a pallet in it so that she wasn't sleeping on the floor. A few times I would let her fall asleep in her house and then move her to her bed. However, she'd wake up in the middle of the night, trod into my room and wake me up, and then tell me she wanted to be in her house. (Really, you have to wake me up to tell me this when you can just walk ten steps and go there yourself? Yes, she is still doing this weeks later!)

Anyway, I think it is funny that she'd rather sleep on the floor than in a nice bed. Oh well, I really don't mind, what I do mind is that on a nightly basis, she comes in and wakes me up and first tries to get into bed with me, and when that doesn't work, tells me she wants to be in her house!!! Oh, to sleep the night through. I am back to having an infant and midnight feedings!