Friday, April 10, 2009

It's Ok to talk to her.....

My daughter isn't fact, if she says hello to you and you don't say hello, she'll keep saying hello, louder and louder, until you do. She does the same thing with "Excuse me" if she's trying to get by you.

I've come to the conclusion that folks don't know how to handle a two year old that looks them in the eye and talks to them. I've had more people than I can count just ignore her, or just stare at her like she's an alien. It really baffles me. And bless her heart, she doesn't understand why they won't talk to her. Maybe they had too many lessons on "stranger danger" and they are afraid of a two year old stranger!!! :-)


Louise said...

So funny you mention this, the same thing happens to us, in fact Koen told the ER Doc he was watching a movie several times and the Dr ignored him, all they want is a little affirmation!

Huse Yo Mama said...

Same thing with Lorelai, but I thought it was just a Virginia thing. I guess it's Texas too. I am usually not very nice when people ignore her or stare at her. I always say (really loudly) "Lorelai, I'm sorry that people are rude and ignore you. Keep being sweet, baby girl." I'm so obnoxious!