Thursday, April 23, 2009

Book Talk - Bonus

I finished reading a book on Sunday and figured if I didn't get this posted, it would never get posted!!!!

I've never read a Lisa Gardner book before and this one was recommended to me. Wow, what a page turner it was; Say Goodbye.
It is a disturbing topic: a serial killer that is also a child molester. I didn't know this when I started reading it and I think that your perspective changes once you have children. When I realized this was part of the plot, I continued on. This isn't a central theme of the book, catching the predator is. She does an excellent job of twisting and turning the story, so that there are times that you really have to sit and ponder all the action that took place and you have to sketch it out in your head and see the big picture.
The serial killer is a crazy man (go figure) that also collects spiders. Apparently this is pretty common on the US; approximately 1/3 of us have pet spiders! Go figure b/c I hire a man to come in monthly and kill all the creepy things in my house. You learn a lot about spiders and if you don't like spiders, I will give you fair warning about the topic. At the beginning of each chapter there is a tidbit of information about spiders....things I'm thnking most of us can do without knowing!!!
Anyway, it is a good read. Even took it to the driving range so that I could finish reading it. My hubby isn't a reader and thought I was the crazy one for toting around a book to the driving range!!! If you want to be scared in the privacy of your home, read this one!