Monday, November 10, 2008

Our Prize Fighter have to have them, right? They look innocent enough, right? Yes, until your child falls on one of them and almost rips her lip off and knocks out a tooth. Yes, she is fine. Not sure we'll make our picture appointment on Saturday, but she is fine.

She fell on a drum stick for her xylophone. She was climbing where she shouldn't have been, surprised? Not if you know my child. Just thought she fell. Picked her up, handed her to Daddy and then he looked at her, I looked at her and we are both running (in opposite directions) me to the bathroom to get a washcloth, him to the kitchen, with child, to get paper towels and ice.

She cried, and cried, I almost cried, fretted about if we should call the doctor, did anyway, got a recording, called both moms, talked to both moms....can't stitch up a lip and the bleeding had stopped and Little had asked if she could play...guess she was ok. A little tylenol and ice fixed her up.
She is all better this morning and can tell you that she has an "owie" and wants to touch it. So, that is our best bet, try to keep her from touching it and not give her salty or acidic foods. Oh, the joys of having a very active child.