Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sunday Blessings

I know that I rant a lot.....but that's part of my personality...some like it, some don't....but we had our school's open house Thursday night and the parents and their children anxiously brought their supplies up to school to meet the teacher. I was in the main hallway, helping direct traffic (which, btw, is humorous b/c I just started at the campus and needed map!)....anyway, I work at a Title I campus (majority of students are on free/reduced lunch) and I am thankful for my family, my job, what my husband and I are able to do for my daughter. I watched these parents and you can tell that many of them have it rough, but I was proud of them for getting the money together to buy their child school supplies and also making sure they got off of work to meet the teacher. I wish everyone a great school year!!!


Huse Yo Mama said... really ARE a softy!

Swimming Texas Babies said...

shhhhh....don't let the word get out!!! It would KILL my reputation!!!!