Thursday, January 1, 2009

Weird Sightings

Driving through town the other day, sitting at a light and I look over to the vehicle next to me and have to do a double has a large LV sticker on it; no big deal, stands for La Vernia. The weird part is that there are the initials W.H.O.R.E. over the LV. OMG, what is this person thinking???? I strain to look closer and read the small print under the letters, Wild, Hillbilly, Off-Road Enthusiast. Ummm, why on earth would you EVER want that on the back of your vehicle??? I'm thinking you are a dumb hillbilly, don't care what you like to do off-road! The icing on the cake is that it was a woman driving the truck!!! I'd have to be in a pretty darn tight situation to even get in a truck with that sticker, much less drive it!!! I was too shocked to take a pictures, so that will be my new year's resolution: take more pictures, quit staring and snap the picture!


Huse Yo Mama said...

only in TEXAS!!!

Swimming Texas Babies said...

Does it make you miss us???? From looking at your blog, you have high speed and are on high speed, too!